Tuesday 31 July 2018

ODM to punish MPs Aisha Jumwa, Suleiman Dori

Msambweni MP Suleiman Dori and his Malindi counterpart Aisha Jumwa. PHOTOS| COURTESY

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) has vowed to take disciplinary action against Msambweni MP Suleiman Dori and his Malindi counterpart Aisha Jumwa over alleged violation of party regulations.

ODM chairman John Mbadi has accused the two legislators of making “unsubstantiated claims and wild allegations which are tantamount to termination of their membership from ODM.”

Ms. Jumwa is allegedly in trouble with her party for uttering the following words on July 15, 2018: “People should not attack me, they should attack Raila Odinga who forgot all the efforts that the opposition had in store for Kenya and supported the Jubilee administration.”

“In the same meeting you are quoted to have said, ‘I have no contract with ODM’ These pronouncements are tantamount to declaration of termination of or intention to terminate your membership of the party,” reads part of a-show-cause letter addressed to Ms. Jumwa by the ODM Chairman.

The Malindi MP was speaking at a public event where she delivered a bus to Malindi football clubs at Coast Boys football grounds.

On his part, Mr. Dori is accused of declaring that “the coastal people have been betrayed by Raila Odinga and ODM and should look elsewhere to realise some development.”

“These pronouncements are tantamount to declaration of termination of or intention to terminate your membership of the ODM party,” reads the show cause letter.

The two legislators, who have been on the spot over their new-found political dalliance with Deputy President William Ruto, are also accused of skipping the ODM parliamentary group meetings held in March and July this year.

The party gave the two seven days to show cause why disciplinary action should not be taken against them.

“Please take notice of the fact that should you not respond within the indicated timeframe, the Party will without further recourse to you proceed to initiate a discliplinary process,” said Mr. Mbadi.

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