Monday 10 September 2018

Sharon Otieno murder: Governor Obado's PA, former MCA to remain in custody

Migori Governor Okoth Obado's PA Michael Oyamo and former MCA Lawrence Mula in a Homa Bay court on Monday September 10,2018. PHOTO/ALY ABICH

The High Court in Homa Bay has allowed police to continue detaining Migori Governor Okoth Obado’s personal assistant Michael Oyamo until Tuesday (September 11), when he is set to take a plea over the murder of Rongo University student Sharon Otieno.

Senior Resident Magistrate Lester Simiyu ruled that the accused should to take a plea on Tuesday at 9am before a Homa Bay High Court Judge, failure to which he will be set free.

In giving the police only one more day to detain Mr. Oyamo, the Magistrate argued that she wanted to prevent violation of the accused’s rights by holding him in police custody for long, adding that her court lacked jurisdiction to make him take a plea.

She further ordered Homa Bay Police Station OCS not to move Oyamo from the station without orders of the court.

Magistrate Simiyu also ruled that, at the police station, the suspect will only be accessed by his three lawyers; Neville Amolo, June Ashioya and Rogers Abisaye, as well as his brother George Oyamo and another person identified as Wema.

Earlier in the day, Prosecutor Tom Imbali had asked the court to order that the suspect remain in custody until Monday next week to give detectives more time to conclude their investigations.

However, the accused’s defense team, led by June Ashioya, opposed the application on grounds that it could lead to violation of Oyamo’s rights.

During the proceedings, drama unfolded in the court’s compound after members of the public who failed to gain entry chanted at the gate demanding that Oyamo be denied bond and continue staying in police custody.

Former Kanyandoto Ward Member of County Assembly (MCA) Lawrence Mula, on his part, will be held for two weeks.

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