Tuesday 4 September 2018

“China is colonising countries by lending them money they can never repay” City preacher urges Uhuru to open his eyes

City preacher has sent a strong message to president Uhuru Kenyatta as he joined other African leaders in Beijing, China for the 2-day annual Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) which kicked off on September 3rd.

Bishop Godfrey Migwi of House of Hope in Nairobi warns Uhuru against taking loans from China, the preacher says China is practicing debt colonization by giving poor countries more money than they could ever pay back.

African heads of state attending Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) 2018

Already Chinese president Xi Jinping has pledged an extra $60 billion or Kes 6 trillion to Africa. Uhuru is seeking a  further 380 billion shillings from China for the construction of Phase 2A of the Standard Gauge Railway from Naivasha to Kisumu.

President Uhuru with Chinese president Xi Jinping

Open your eye

Migwi highlighted instances where some countries were forced to surrender their assets to China after failing to pay debts. He mentioned Sri Lanka which formally handed over the strategic port of Hambantota to China on a 99-year lease in December 2017 after struggling to replay loans.

The city preacher thinks China is salivating after the ports of Mombasa and Lamu and that they will give Kenya massive loans which the country will fail to pay and in return give up the ports of Lamu and Mombasa.

Below is the post written by Bishop Godfrey Migwi;

Bishop Godfrey Migwi

#whistleblower from a wise person at the tree top ….my advice to Our President Uhuru Muigai kenyatta please be aware of this highly populated country called China, this money (debt) they’re lending to us and the world is a sweet lollipop but later we will be left with kasmall stick after the sweetness is finished, the BEBT for infrastructure the Chinese are using it as tool to colonize us , to take the port of mombasa and other part of the country, it’s a matter of time they will demand a military base in Kenya …..mark this date ..the large part of the world will be under Chinese kingdom the enemy number one of USA, in the bible they’re not mentioned directly but I can tell the world why.

EMPIRE OF DEBT, China is colonising smaller countries by lending them massive amounts of money they can never repay in bid for world domination’

Defaulters have been pressured into surrendering assets and territory or allowing military bases on their land

CHINA is “colonising” smaller countries by lending them massive amounts of money they can never repay but later they must pay by other means

The country is accused of leveraging massive loans it holds over small states worldwide to snatch assets and increase its military footprint.

Countries around the world owe huge sums to President Xi Jinping’s China

Developing countries from Pakistan to Djibouti, the Maldives to Fiji, and Africa at large all owe huge amounts to China.

Already there are examples of defaulters being pressured into surrendering control of assets or allowing military bases on their land.

This is called “debt-trap diplomacy” or “debt colonialism” – offering enticing loans to countries unable to repay, and then demanding concessions when they default.

China has the world’s largest military for in your information, when I was in America one American solder revealed to me that in the whole world they only fear china in matters of war

Owing more than $1billion (£786million) in debts to China, Sri Lanka handed over a port to companies owned by the Chinese government on a 99-year lease.

And Djibouti, home to the US military’s main base in Africa, also looks likely to cede control of a port terminal to a Beijing-linked firm.

Chinese navy officers

America is eager to stop the Doraleh Container Terminal falling into Chinese hands, particularly because it sits next to China’s only overseas military base.

Debt-ridden Sri Lanka’s Hambantota port is which China recently seized

Participating countries like kenya and other’s often undertake work on roads and ports with part-funding from China.

More recently, China’s debt empire has been rearing its head in the Pacific, prompting fears the country intends to leverage the debt to expand its military footprint into the South Pacific.

Beijing’s creation of man-made islands in the disputed South China Sea for use as military bases suggests the concern may be warranted.

Chinese naval vessel at a seaport in Beijing

China will always defend its lending practices, saying they are “sincere and unselfish”, and will insists that it only lend to countries that could repay. Ni hayo tu Raisi wetu, Kenya na dunia yote
From brother Godfrey migwi, spiritual and political advisor , God bless kenya

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