Saturday 28 December 2019

Dahood: The Spirit Behind Talent

Spirit behind Talent discovery  by 
Salmi Babatunde Dauda
Talent is God's gift I.e free gift of nature, giving to every individual on earth. No matter who you are, where you live, where you have been, or what you do, you must have at least one particular thing, you love doing and you are doing it well. 
Most people discover their talent at early stage of their life but the problem about this discovered talent is the individual not yet discover die to the individual reaction toward this talent discovered. 
People who got talent about a particular act, find it more easier to execute and are better at it than those that learn about such act. This is because, they can do it in different ways and still arrive or result in what they really intended it to be. 
One more thing about those that got the talent is that, you will be impressed by their actions and the way they execute it and you will feel like "wow! How did he/she did that?" You will feel surprise because it look amazing and mostly look impossible in a normal sense.
Those that take much of their time to be good or practice to so such act will also impress you too but you will surely can tell who got the talent between them. The differences will always be there to differentiate them. 
Talent is priceless as it has no price tag. You can't buy talent but you can pay for it ( you can never buy talent from anybody, but paying those talented people to display what they got is very possible). It is a free gift if nature which can be inherented from parent. You are born with it and it will surely be there for you whenever you want to use it.
Talent work with the brain as it  deals with your way of thinking, your brain quickly react to any action you want to carry out related to the talent you are blessed with.That's what make it more easier and most time accurately to carry out those activities.
As an engineer, you may be talented in the field of survey even without learning it . 

This is very simple and complex, but we will try as much as possible to let you know the fact that you need to hold about the discovered talent. 
You know know what you love doing and you are happy or get excited when doing it I.e what you do most time and you never regret taking those actions or doing it. 
Maybe you love singing and it is not just because you love listening to peoples songs or you like a particular artist. This has to do with singing your own song in a way that you find easier and meaningful to yourself. You get the best out of yourself and the listeners tell if it is good or not good. You just have to brand it to your own taste. If it is football, entertainment, social activities, technology, and many others, their should be a style of which you love and find more easier to execute. After which you know this, then , you have to work on it.
Sometimes you find out that you make people laugh and smile when you speak or give speech, that means you are onto comedy line. Any which way you find yourself, you should know that's the talent you are blessed with. 
As an engineer, you may be talented in footballing, Don't quit.

This is a very serious question that needed to be treated with care and understanding. Whereas it should be seen from individual perspective view.
In thus article, we will discuss about five (5) factors that can affect the discovery of talented people in our environment. They are mention below
1. Discovery of oneself
2. Environment
3. Support
4. Opportunity
5. Sponsorship

Discovery Of oneself
This is the most important factor that give birth to other factors and if this is not discovered, others are not to be talk about or mention. 
If the individual has not discover that talent he or she has gotten, it will affect the discovery of such talented person. The first and most essential part of getting discovered is discovering of oneself. If you could not or have not discovered yourself, it is not possible and will not be easy for people to know what talent you have gotten. You need to know yourself and most especially  broadcast that talent you have gotten before people can know about what you have gotten to deliver to the people around you. Nobody will discover you unless you discover yourself and it is very important to discover oneself.

Environment is another factor that affect talent discovery of a relented person in our community. If you live in a local area or uncivilized environment, the percentage of getting discovered around the world is very low to this living in the city with more population of people . 
If you can display what talent you have gotten to only the people in your vicinity, that means your talent is going no where. 
Let take Nigeria for example, the only place where you can be more successful with any talent you must have gotten is Lagos State. There , you have the riches and the poor and also the average people of different grades. Most of the celebrities of nowadays live in Lagos State. Some discovered there talent out side Lagos but still find a way to Lagos state so that they can make more people know about the talent they have gotten. The internet has help most of the talented people to be discover easily without walking here and there. Though, most people are now with phones but the discovery is only those on the internet. Technology has some flaws as well where some of the videos we watch may have been edited before posting online there will be requirement for see this talented person to display it in the presence of all. 

This is another factor that needed to be accomplish before you can be discovered. You may have discover yourself, stay in a good environment but if you have no support from the people around you, you are going no where. There is a saying and I quote " Charity begin at home". If your own people didn't support your movement, it won't be as easy as that to be discover. 
For example, you have got the talent of technology, and you have the knowledge of building an aeroplane, if you don't have the support from people to get all the materials needed , then you can't execute the project. It will only be known to you. There won't be chance to showcase your talent. Or you are a footballer that is very good in playing but you could not go to the field to display your talent , the talent will be in you but not for the people that needed it. 

"Once Opportunity is lost, it can never be regain." If you got any talent and you couldn't attend any occasions, seminar, programmes or shows that needed you to showcase you talent, you have only gotten the talent but not use on what it suppose to be use for. A singer need to go to party to perform on the stage of the party, footballer need to play on the football pitch to be discovered, Dancers need to dance at different occasions to be discovered, technologist need to have attended many shows where the talent are needed to be discovered. 
Opportunity play a very important role in the life of any talented person, in such a way that it make you more famous than before. 
Opportunity shouldn't be misuse, or misinterpreted because you never can tell who is watching you at that particular time and if it will ever happen again.

Many talented people has gotten all the factors mentioned above but still lack the aspect of sponsorship. 
A sonsorer may take the responsibility of the talented person in other to motivate him or her to do more. 

Conclusion and motivation
If you have not discovered yourself, it is never too late, start thinking about what you love doing and you do to the best satisfactory of your choice. If it is singing, motivational speaker, career talk, footballer, table tenni, boxing etc. You should try to work on it. Don't relent or step aside because of any difficulties you must have encountered. 


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