Sunday 8 December 2019

Dahood-The best of your kind

Salami Babatunde Dauda
The best of your kind are not always illuminated (Not what you can see easily or in a flashy light)
They are not what you can see always. 
Lady Theresa said and I quote " you can't do what I can do, neither can I do what you can do, but togetherness, we can achieve greater things" 
Many people fall in the victim of finding the best of their kind but later realize that no two persons are created with the same attitude, affection, behaviour, character and many more. You can never see anyone of your type but there is tendency to meet people who will have some of the qualities you have but they can't have all of your qualities. 
Everybody has their bad and good behavior, everybody has positivities and negativities, everybody has prone and cons, and that's why no one is perfect except our creator (Almighty God).
Check those around you today, the ones you love most will also have some attitudes you don't tolerate or like about them.
Check the ones you dislike, they will have some attitudes you love about them too. 
We always said , we don't like Satan, but we obey Satan than God.
He (Satan) asked God for power to control human in his capacity, we all want that  too but it may not be in that way. Our Kings, presidents, Governors, Prime ministers, Military Rulers etc all want this power too and even most especially you. 
It is very clear that you can't see anyone of your type , you just have to play along, you just have to pretend as if nothing went wrong. We need to make  more friends not more enemies. 
Lady Theresa said " The world if full of good people, if you cannot find one, be one" 
We don't need to keep searching for the good people around us, let it begin with us and with time, it will circulate around the world. We will see good people of our kind but not of all qualities we have. Let come together and make things work out.
People changes every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month, and every year. But don't let your good doing change, people will talk trashes against you, people will blackmail you, they will backbite you, keep your head up and walk towards grateness because that's where you belong. Believe in yourself because you will succeed one day .
No one has the same qualities as you
Be optimistic not pessimistic

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